You will be aware that UNISON requested additional financial support from your employer Cadent Gas, to help members as they face into a cost-of-living crisis this winter and into 2023. This is outside the normal pay round which runs from the 1st July. Members have received a 4% consolidated pay increase last July 2022. While […]
pay offer
The pay ballot closed on 28 September. Over 50% of UNISON members within E.ON participated in the ballot, with 99% voting to accept the offer. This unparalleled result shows what a great deal it is for our members, and is an endorsement of the hard work the UNISON negotiating team did on your behalf. Read the […]
Hopefully you’ve all seen the Joint Statement from E.ON and the Trade Unions which sets out the pay offer for 2023, which details a consolidated pay increase, a one-off unconsolidated payment, a clause relating to CPI inflation and the extension to the current SVS terms until December 2027. The pay offer applies to all employees […]