Branch of the Year Awards 2023

On Friday 3 February, members from across the East Midlands came together to celebrate their work at UNISON’s annual Branch of the Year Awards 2023.

The evening began with remarks from the regional secretary Chris Jenkinson and UNISON’s deputy head of health Helga Pile.

The awards ceremony was compered by regional manager Louisa Wass Griffiths and Chris Birks, the East Midlands media and communications lead.

There were 8 award categories in total – the winners are below.

Exemplary Campaign Award: UNISON Power

Recruitment Award: Northamptonshire Hospitals

Outstanding Activist Award: Lesley Waller and Maria Slack, Chesterfield Branch

Promoting Member Learning Award: Northamptonshire Health Workers

Excellent Branch Communications Award: Lincolnshire Police

Learner of the Year: Dennis Jackson

Outstanding Public Service Award: Amanda Doleman

Be The Reason Award: Nottingham Trent University