Three of the world’s largest nursing unions came together on Tuesday 12 May 2020 at UNISON East Midlands’ invitation to acknowledge International Nurses Day and the incredible contribution made by nurses to society.
Our online audience heard how trade unions across the world were tackling the current challenges. The 3 Co-Presidents of National Nurses United, America’s largest union, Jean Ross RN, Zenei Cortez RN and Deborah Burger RN, explained their fight back against the lack of PPE and the proposals to lift the lockdown in the USA.
Professor Mavis Mulaudzi, First Deputy President of South Africa’s DENOSA, talked about how they are raising their voices to get testing and screening.
Caroline Smith, East Midlands International Committee Chair, updated us on Australia’s NSWNMA, who were unable to join us as they were facing their government moving to impose a pay freeze on nurses and other public sector workers.
QMC nurse and UNISON member, Lisa Clarke, spoke about the challenges UK nurses are facing on the ground.
In closing, UNISON East Midlands Regional Secretary, Chris Jenkinson, gave us an inspiring vision of re-building a brighter, better future for society.