Three of the world’s largest nursing unions came together on Tuesday 12 May 2020 at UNISON East Midlands’ invitation to acknowledge International Nurses Day and the incredible contribution made by nurses to society. Our online audience heard how trade unions across the world were tackling the current challenges. The 3 Co-Presidents of National Nurses United, America’s largest union, Jean Ross RN, Zenei Cortez RN and Deborah […]
international nurses day

On #InternationalNursesDay everyone across UNISON East Midlands wants to say #ThankYou for all the amazing work that Nurses, Midwives, Nursing Associates and Student Nurses are doing day in, day out. Thank You #InternationalNursesDay2020 #IND2020 Coronavirus, find out what your rights at work are.
Celebrations for International Nurses’ Day tomorrow (Tuesday) will have special significance this year during the coronavirus pandemic, says UNISON East Midlands which is staging an online rally with guests from across the world. Members of the public are being encouraged to join the web event tomorrow at 6pm to show their appreciation for every nurse […]

Next week, on Tuesday 12 May which is International Nurses Day, the union will be celebrating the work that Nurses, Midwives and Nursing Associates do every day to help the people of the UK and we need your help. We’re incredibly proud of the vital jobs all our members do to help people. Nurses and […]