Council backs UNISON’s calls for a fair pay rise

Derbyshire County Council have committed to supporting a fair pay rise for staff after supporting a motion brought by the Labour group and backed by UNISON.

The motion stated that the council support a fair pay rise for workers to help them cope with rising costs, especially those on the lowest pay who often undertake essential jobs and whose dedicated contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic cannot be underestimated.

UNISON recognises that this will require proper funding from central government and the trade union is pleased to hear that Derbyshire County Council will be joining calls for central government to support that funding and to take decisive action, not water down terms and conditions and undervalue staff more.

Paying local government staff a proper wage is an investment – not just in the workforce but also in the local services they provide and the local economies they support.

UNISON Derbyshire Branch Secretary Jeanette Lloyd said: “Support for the trade union pay claims would be a significant step in compensating local government workers for the loss of value in their pay over the years.

“It would also provide some recognition for a workforce that has remained dedicated, hard-working, and resolute – despite the multitude of challenges and crisis they have overcome in recent years.

“We are very pleased to see Derbyshire County Council agree and will join our calls for central government funding for support.”