Across the world of work the current Covid lockdown has placed increased pressure on members who have had to adapt to working from home. While last year this looked like it might just be a temporary measure, we are now approaching a full 12 months where this has been the norm. Although British Gas responded […]

Non-essential activity should be stopped immediately to cut the risk of staff contracting and spreading COVID-19
Proposed Changes to Terms & Conditions Negotiations Update 12/20 #5 You will be aware that we have been balloting UNISON members on a series of changes the business is seeking to make to all Centrica employees. This ballot closed at noon on the 4th December 2020. These changes were briefed by the business to staff […]
After many weeks of negotiations between the business and the trade unions, we have reached the point when further progress is no longer possible. You are now being asked at this point to vote on the package of proposals as set out by the business and briefed to you. Your UNISON in British Gas sector […]
E.ON has today announced that it plans to make significant job cuts (approx. 700) following on from the merger of N-power to E.ON over the next two years. The proposals mainly relate to the Res and SME business,where the introduction of a new Customer Service IT platform sees proposed reductions of approximately 675 roles by […]
Negotiations between the business and the trade unions are coming to a close; we now await the final position in writing from the business. When that final position is received, the UNISON in British Gas National Sector Committee will meet as soon as possible to formulate a position. Following that we will look to discuss […]
Despite the announcement in the summer from Centrica that it would dismiss all its workforce and re employ them on lesser terms by year end, UNISON has continued to engage in talks with the business to see if a negotiated outcome was possible. At the same time UNISON have been making the necessary preparations to […]
CBS Consultation Update 03/09/2020
The company and the Trade Unions have begun consultation around the integration of Npower field operations into E.ON planned for November 2020. You can read the full statement below; Joint Statement – Meter Operations
UNISON has now concluded its consultative survey of members in British Gas on the key questions of support for industrial action. Thank you for taking time to complete the survey which has demonstrated again, that members are resolute in lending support to an industrial action ballot of UNISON members in response to the issuance of […]